Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Jingle...Balls?! (CBT)

Little is as precious to a man as his cock and balls are, at best his wallet comes a close second (see My blog on financial domination). This is why I love cbt so much, as you know, if you are a consistent reader of My blogs I have a very cerebral perspective of BDSM and My perspective of cbt is much the same.
As you may know I identify as a sadist, I TRULY enjoy making men suffer either psychological or physical, ideally both.
With cbt I get to bring a man to his knees with a gutteral groan by kicking, punching, kneeing, pinching, flogging, cropping, squeezing, squishing, stomping or burning ( with wax, the violet wand, or for true masochists after my own heart, cigarettes) his cock and balls. Watching a man's eyes well up with tears as I abuse the very essence of their maleness, is one of the most erotic pleasures I enjoy. Cbt can even be pleasurable when, due to geographical constraints, I am forcing a man to punish his own "jewels" over the phone or skype.
The psychological aspect of cbt lays in My belief that men greatly cherish their cock and balls; they symbolize, virility, manhood, identity, power and self-esteem. Conversley, I believe Women derive their identity from their sexuality not their sex organs. This is why men are so fearful, powerless, vulnerable and submissive when a Woman truly has them by the balls. To have a man's cock and balls in My hand, at My mercy is true ownership and power.....mmmm what an aphrodisiac.
Happy Holidays and Let's hope you "jingle all the way"
I'm Royal, I'm Royalty, Get in to it,
Domina Divinity
Call 1-800-863-5478, ext: 10381703


Friday, 14 November 2014

Goddess Worship, Then and Now

"One of the first religions developed by humans was Goddess worship. Much archaeological evidence have been unearthed which prove the existence of Goddess worship. Merlin Stone, in When God Was a Woman, notes, "Archaeologists have traced the worship of the Goddess back to the Neolithic communities of about 7000 BC, some to the Upper Paleolithic cultures of about 25,000 BC. From the time of its Neolithic origins, its existence was repeatedly attested to until well into Roman times,"
The most convincing evidence of Goddess worship comes from numerous sculptures of pregnant women, or faceless women depicted having exaggerated breasts, hips, thighs, buttocks and vulva. These images are referred to by archaeologists as Venus figurines...
These images were not mere decorations to the people who created them. They were profoundly important because they represented the ways which humans expressed themselves before they began to utilise language. The art reveals what the cultures valued and the knowledge they tried to pass on to future generations. Clearly, childbirth, mothering and female sexuality were considered sacred...."(http://coven-of-midnight.wikidot.com/history-of-goddess-worship)
  * Italics are not part of the original script and have been added for emphasis.

Society in general no longer gives the Female the reverence She so richly deserves. Yet a relatively small group of men and Women, still feel that Women should be placed on a pedestal and revered. Female Supremacists, both men and Women, still ensure Women get the respect they warrant as the Mother's of the earth. As a Female Supremacist I believe Women are supreme beings, that should be adored, revered and worshipped. Furthermore, I believe it is the divine duty and privilege of men to serve Women, particularly in this manner.

How should a Female be worshipped? I find it over simplified and self-serving for men to suggest that Women should be served solely through the oral pleasure of Her breasts, vagina, and buttocks/anus, for these are not truly  the most intimate parts of a Female. Serve Me psychologically with  your  most intimate parts, your brain; render your service with devotion, your heart. Perhaps, this is too cerebral or abstract for some men to digest when faced with a Divine Goddess.

 Thus, I will describe the means in which I like to be worshipped in plainer words; bathe my feet with devotion, focus and dedication ( I wrote a blog on foot worship, it will afford you a better idea as to why I think this is such a meaningful act). Wash My hair, brush it, scent it with oils, run My bath, sit subserviently by as I bathe, apply My lotion, all without thinking of your own primal drives and needs.

Show My Divine body, My temple, the reverence it so richly deserves, in a manner which shows Me you respect and idolise Me and you serve without thought for your own needs, desires and drives. Then perhaps you will earn My respect and devotion in turn, and I will allow you the privilege of knowing my more "intimate" parts, of both the soul and the body.

In the end, your great reward will not be the meaningless act of kissing My Superior ass but knowing that you have earned your place down on your knees encountering the Greatness of the Female essence.

I'm Royal, I'm Royalty, Get in to it,
Domina Divinity
Call 1-800-863-5478, ext: 10381703



Thursday, 23 October 2014

Verbal Humiliation

I love humiliating submissives and slaves in a variety of different ways, puppy training, anal training, forced fem; I love to see a sub's eyes fill with tears of shame and their face redden with embarrassment. However, my favorite type of humiliation is verbal, when I get on the phone with or stand before a submissive and rip him to shreds with just My words I feel and immense, electric form of power (lest we forget power is an aphrodisiac).

When I start going on a tirade...."you are such a cock hungry filthy slut you make me sick, you cumdumpster, waiting for My big black strap-on to rape your holes....." or "you little sissy bitch with your pathetic little teeny weeny, you'll never be able to satisfy a real Woman..." or " you peon, you should be lucky to cower before greatness and beg forgiveness for being a worthless man...", the possibilities are endless, as I lash you with My sharp tongue playing both to your desires and your deepest darkest shames and fears.

Whether you are a sissy slut, cuckhold, a bitch with a small dick or any other form of man who deserves to be shamed into submission, I love mind fucking you until you aren't sure whether you are turned on or victimized. However, I will know it is a potion concocted of both, a Divine potion that will leave you in your rightful place and wanting more!

I'm Royal, I'm Royalty, Get in to it!
Domina Divinity
Call me
or Email to book a session

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Bad Boys Need NOT Apply

A lot of people want to know what it takes to have the opportunity to serve this Divine Goddess as a personal submissive/slave .

  •  Step #1: I lose a lot of the fakes, wannabes (but never were's) and slackers at this stage. you have to write an essay about past experience, training, fetishes, expectations, qualifications, etc. Grammar and spelling count.
  • Step #2: you receive My rules. Such rules include and are NOT limited to: you must ask permission before socializing, you will walk behind Me in public, you will keep yourself in shape, masturbation and orgasm are a privilege that are earned, etc
  • Step #3: you must begin to follow the rules. Any failure without sufficient cause to follow My rules means that training will not be continued and  you have not earned My consideration.
  • Step #4 Training. This means you have earned My consideration and I am willing to invest time and energy on you in order to try and mold you into the submissive/slave that I want you to be.
  • Step #5 if I am pleased with your progress I will claim you as My own, at which point you will write out a budget of your earnings and expenses and I will calculate how much I expect from you each month. Remember, socializing is a privilege as is imbibing. In other words, if you can't make Me happy by tributing then you cannot afford to go for a beer with the guys or a margarita with the girls!
  • Step #6 Don't fuck up! ....
Learn what I like, what I want, what I need. Follow the rules to the point of obsession. Never agree to something you cannot do, but also realize I HATE hearing the word NO. I loathe lazy, inconsistent, flighty,cheap, stubborn, inconsiderate, unintelligent, neglectful, insubordinate submissives/slaves. you signed up for this, I did not wind up on your doorstep and order you to enlist like the united states army! I will not shower you with compliments for remembering how I like My coffee, that is the bare minimum. Compliments are earned, with unexpected treats, surprises and luxuries or outstanding service
you're not going to have sex with Me or go down on Me, you are not My boyfriend, you are My property, jealousy is unattractive, a jealous sub is just plain confused.
You must be honest and open, I am not a mind reader, if you want something or do not like something you have to tell Me. you must trust Me and earn My trust in return. Here's a little secret, I am not made of stone, if you have made it this far, I am probably fond of you and would like you to remain a part of my life, I want us both to enjoy our relationship and have fun...shhhh do not let word get out...

Domina Divinity
I'm Royal, I'm Royalty, Get into it!
,Call Me (Nite Flirt) 1-800-863-5478 EXT. 10381703
Book a session

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

ABDL Confessions from a sissy


My name is Cweg (A.K.A.-Pwincess Poopy Pampers) and I've been instwucted by my 2 Mistwesses (Divinity and Sugah) to descwibe in humilwiating baby talk how it feels to be a diaper wearwing thithy.

Unfortunatewy for me, it's wather hard to expwain. How do I descwibe da shame and humilwiation dat comes fwom being an adult male who dwesses wike  a wittle baby girl?  How do I descwibe da fear of knowing dat once thumwun knows my secwet they'll never see me as a man ever again? How do I descwibe da embawassment of having to miss a day of work cuz I had a weally bad case of diaper wrash? And finalwy, how do I descwibe da extweme degwadation and unpweasent feelwing of being made to go doo doo in my diapers??      

The answer is.....I can't!!  Being a thithy baby just isn't thumting dat can be descwibed...it haz to be experwienced!

And unfoetunatewy for me, I'm experwiencing it wight now.  As a punishment for asking to use da toilwet tonight, my mistwesses are making me wite dis wetter while wearwing a pink bonnet, thucking a pink pathifier, and thitting in a verwy thmelly diaper dat says,"Thuper Thithy" on it.

I guess in my case, no twuer words have ever been witten.  Da funny ting is, I never weally thought of mythelf as dat big of a thithy before.

Until wecently, I wuz just your typical avewage man who thpent most of hiz fwee time watching thports, dwinking beer, and going out .  Now don't get me wong, I  thtill wore diapers thumtimes, but it wasn't verwy often and I almost never ever pooped in dem.

At weast dat wuz until I met my Montweal Mistwesses.  Since den, Mistwess Div and Mistwess Sugah have made it dere personal mission to twy and turn me into da biggest pamper pooping pansy dey can.  So inthtead of me maybe wearwing diapers once or twice a month, I'm now thtuck in dem 4 or 5 times a week.

Mistwess Sugah doesn't even twy to contain dere waughter and amusement when it comes to my new thithy baby thtatus. She just teathes me merciwessly and asks me if da diaper wearwing wimp went wee wee or boom boom yet?

As for Mistwess Divinity, she says making me go thtinky diapers is quickly becoming one of her favowit and most entewtaining hobby's she haz.  She says dere's just thumting weally fun and exthiting about having da power to dethide when and where a thithy haz to shit his pants! WOW! (Waugh Out Woud)

And twust me, she does evewyting in her power to make dat expewience as unpweasant and embawassing for me as pothible.  

For example, wast week she made me thquat in da corner and poop my pampers while weciting my thithy mantwa to her.

            Dis is my mantwa I must always confess,
            I'm Divinity's big baby....I'm her poopy pwincess.
            I twy to be a man but dere's weally no chance,
            Weal men don't wear diapers or shit in dere pants!

And if dat wasn't bad enough, tonight she thought it would be hythterical to make me go poopy on da toilwet with my diapers thtill on.

She said," you're da one who keeps asking me if you can go potty on da toilwet wike a big boy, well here's your chance! WOW!" .

I can't even begin to descwibe how incwedibly embawassing and humilwiating it is for a gwown man to have to mess himthelf wike a baby! Dere just isn't a more dithgusting feelwing den thqueezing out a big warm woad of cwap dat has no pwace else to go but inthide of your diaper. Yuck!   And what even made it worse was having to do it while thitting on a perfectwy good toilwet. 

Of courth, Mistwess Divinity couldn't help but waugh at me and my widiculous thituation . She said, "What's da matter Pwincess, don't you feel wike a man now? You said you wanted to go poo poo on da toilwet, and you did! Why are you cwying? I thought you'd be all happy and bwaggimg about how stwong and macho you are now. I mean if I didn't know any better, I would tink you weren't having a verwy good time! Well don't worwy pwincess,  I'm having a gweat time! WOW!"  And dat's how I thpent my Fwiday night!

Well, I guess dat's enough for now.  Wike I said in da beginning, I may not be able to descwibe what it's wike to be a thithy baby but I tink I expwained enough for you to wealize...you never want to be one.  At weast, not one owned by Mistwesses Divinity and Sugah.


Pwincess Poopy Pampers

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Foot Fetish

The Symbolism of Feet
"Feet represent mobility, independence and freedom. The act of washing someone's feet symbolizes  that others can easily take advantage of you. If someone is kissing your feet, then it symbolizes humbleness, humility, or devotion.  The desire to smell someone else's feet may symbolize  that you are following someone else's path in life. The notion of smelling feet may also carry the same interpretation of kissing feet. In some cultures the feet may symbolize divine qualities since the feet are considered the holiest part of the body."

Why I love Foot Worship
As you can see the act of foot worship is wrought with meaning and symbolism. My feet are My divine grounding, My unwavering roots, My foundation from which My Divine dominating essence arises. To place your self before me on your knees, a most subservient position, in most cultures, you are submitting to My desires, completely devoting and humbling yourself to Me. By washing my feet you are committed to the maintenance of My Divinity. By desiring to smell My feet, (particularly after they are sweating and odoriferous)  you are expressing your desire to follow Me, allowing your path to veer into My path, committing your self to follow wherever I shall lead. By kissing , licking and suckling My feet and toes you are paying homage to a Goddess. The act of foot worship symbolizes your acknowledgement that I am Divine, BDSM royalty and the you are my beloved minion. Thusly, to worship a Goddess' feet is a very intimate, romantic, sensual act wrought with meaning and giving you purpose.

For all you boot and shoe worshipers, I sell My worn shoes and boots, I can make them smelly for you if that's what gets you the most excited, email Me if you are interested.

Domina Divinity
"I'm Royal, I'm Royalty, get into it"
,Call Me (Nite Flirt) 1-800-863-5478 EXT. 10381703
Book a Session

Monday, 2 June 2014

Diaper wearers

I love the thought of taking a man and putting him in a pair of Diapers. What could be more humiliating to a grown man than the be debased to a weak, insignificant, helpless baby? I can't think of one, unless it is doing forced feminization; getting the so called man dressed up like a sissy diaper wearer. This is even better. A little pink bonnet, pink bib, that says "Mommy's girl", perhaps a pink pacifier and to top it all off pink frilly rubber pants to put over the diaper. Now here's where people differ, for some subs it's enough to be dressed like this to remind them of the fact that I am superior to them in every way and that their status as a man is negligible at best. Yet some will still proceed with the notion that they are still "macho manly men". At which point I may force them to go in to corner and piss themselves. What a naughty, filthy sissy bitch that would make you! A grown man messing on himself?! The shame you should feel. On the other hand if they are not shamed that too gives me the upper hand, for what kind of perverted piggy takes pleasure in messing himself when there is a supreme Goddess available to shower him with Her golden champagne? A filthy one! Oh the fun you can have with a sub or sissy sub in diapers, next time your sub gives you trouble make him put on a diaper and sleep in his wet soggy diaper, just to remind him whose boss!

I'm royal, I'm royalty, get in to it
Domina Divinity
Book a Session
http://www.niteflirt.com/users/Domina+Divinity, 1-800-863-5478 EXT. 10381703

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Giddy up bitch!

I love riding a bitch boi's ass like a cowboy. Hog tying him down, putting a leash around his neck and making him wait. Oh the wait is the best part. As a step into my red and black leather strap-on belt, and reach for Jamal, yes my strap-on has a name, he is big and black, long and stiff and can go all night. I'm going to get Jamal in place, get an extra large and tuff condom on him, it never fits just right, Jamal is to beastly to be contained some times. As the bitch boi is hog tied to the table with his knees spread really wide, I'll mount my pet. I've been horse back riding many years but riding a boi like a horse is even more fun. I like to start off slow get you opened up, "you like that don't ya bitch?" the bois usually wriggle on the table, cock loving queers deep down inside. As I insert my lubed up beast in your tight ass hole, slowly inch by inch, smacking your ass hard from time to time just to catch you unaware and thrust it deeper. once the bois ass is all lubed up and he is writhing with pleasure, that's when the fun really starts. Giddy up bitch boy, grabbing your leassh and yanking your head back, "yeehaw!" I ride those bitches hard and deep, "come on slut, you LOOOOOVVVE it!". I ride them until their wet, maybe they wont be the only one whose moist.....

I'm Royal, I'm Royalty, Get into it
You want more?