Sunday, 13 March 2016

The psyche of the submissive male

I recently recieved a request to offer insight into the male psyche. Of course I cannot offer a  first hand account  because I am neither male and not particularly submissive. Of course I have encountered many submissive males and in My experience they are motivated  by six  world views/perspectives. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive and sometimes function  in concert. The type A personality in Me wants to be able to list them in a particular order based on prevalence, preference, etc but prevalence is difficult to discern and I have no true preference. All this to say they are listed in no particular order.
#1 The Lover of Women.
This is a male who simply loves Women, all Women; BBW, slender, short, tall, etc. he thinks Women are beautiful creatures Who are deserving of adoration, reverence, worship and service.  he particularly appreciates the dominant Woman because She realizes  this as well and takes full advantage of Her gender status to reap the benefits. he serves because he loves to please his Goddess and see Her well contented. he needs an expressive Domme Who expresses Her pleasure with what he does for Her.

#2 The Female Supremacist
Easily mistaken for The True Lover of Women. However, he not only realizes how wondrous, beautiful and exquisite Woman are, but also believes Women are superior to men in many or all ways. he feels it is his duty as the inferior gender to serve his Superiors. he also looks to the Superior Female to hone him into a more pleasing, gentile individual despite the shortcomings of his gender. he serves because it is his rightful place and duty as a man to submit to the Superior Female. he needs a Domme Who will train him and instruct him in how to control his animalistic male drives and put Her needs above his own.

#3 The Inferior Individual, not to be mistaken for, the Female Supremacist. The inferior individual feels inferior to All, it is his sexual orientation that determines to Whom he will submit. he feels grateful to have a dominant Female to make his worthless existence worthwhile. he is apologetic by nature, he derives self-esteem and purpose from how useful and pleasing he is to his Domina. he serves because he would be nothing without his Domme. he needs a Domme that will give clear instructions, so as to better insure his success. his ideal Domina understands the difference between pride/arrogance and self-esteem  and will foster the latter in Her slave,  knowing he will serve best when he has confidence in his ability to serve Her.

#4 The True submissive, often  thought to have similar deficits in self-esteem to the inferior,    is in fact quite confident in their ability to serve. he choses to serve because it fulfils and pleases him. he gets pleasure  from giving his Domme pleasure through his service. he is not prone to giving his Mistress a laundry list of his wants.  In fact he is versatile in that he derives pleasure from a variety of activities; domestic, pain play, etc. he needs a Domina Who knows what She wants, because he'll do almost anything. The Domina for him is always in control  knowing Her slave is happiest when he is being dominated.

#5 The Dominant on Vacation, is the antithesis of the true submissive. This "submissive"  is  typically dominant at work and sometimes even in their interpersonal relationships. he serves because it is a welcome vacation from domming everyone around him. This so called submissive will not likely serve extensively, they are merely taking a vacation from giving orders by taking orders. For once they don't have to anticipate the next move, because their Mistress is doing it for them. This "submissive"  serves in order to have a reprieve from their responsibilities and daily stressors. This "submissive" needs a strong Mistress Who will put them in their place and shut down any attempts they will make to top from the bottom.

#6 The Paraphiliac/Masochist isn't necessarily submissive, he is submissive to his fixation on his paraphilia or the desire to recieve pain. Regarding paraphilia, in some cases it begins quite simply with shoes, for instance, progressing to a fixation on the foot, then the leg and eventually the actual wearer of the shoes; the Female who dominates him with Her shoes. Regarding masochism, the masochist desires pain and subsequently the dominant Female giving pain. In both cases the "submissive" serves the Domme in order to recieve the desired object/body part or pain. This "submissive" needs a Domme familiar with fetish, Who knows how to introduce a broader spectrum of interests,  stemming from the Paraphilia, in order to also see to Her desires.  The masochist needs a very sadistic Domina who will push their physical and mental pain threshold.

So there you  have it. As I said these world views/ perspectives are not mutually exclusive and in most cases would probably be best illustrated in a Venn diagram, a little from column , a little from column b, so to speak.

Furthermore,  it is worthwhile to mention that while I describe the ideal Domme for each submissive,  ideally he would look for a dynamic Domina who  can adapt Her style, while maintaining Her unique identity as a Dominant, in order to  get the best out of Her  property.

Of course there are male submissives who will argue  they don't have any of the aforementioned perspectives. If that is the case I ask them to contact Me and enlighten Me further on the psyche of the submissive male.....

I'm Royal, I'm Royalty, get into it
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