My name is Cweg (A.K.A.-Pwincess Poopy Pampers) and I've been
instwucted by my 2 Mistwesses (Divinity and Sugah) to descwibe in humilwiating
baby talk how it feels to be a diaper wearwing thithy.
Unfortunatewy for me, it's wather hard to expwain. How do I
descwibe da shame and humilwiation dat comes fwom being an adult male who
dwesses wike a wittle baby girl? How do I descwibe da fear of knowing dat once
thumwun knows my secwet they'll never see me as a man ever again? How do I
descwibe da embawassment of having to miss a day of work cuz I had a weally bad
case of diaper wrash? And finalwy, how do I descwibe da extweme degwadation and
unpweasent feelwing of being made to go doo doo in my diapers??
The answer is.....I can't!!
Being a thithy baby just isn't thumting dat can be descwibed...it haz to
be experwienced!
And unfoetunatewy for me, I'm experwiencing it wight now. As a punishment for asking to use da toilwet
tonight, my mistwesses are making me wite dis wetter while wearwing a pink
bonnet, thucking a pink pathifier, and thitting in a verwy thmelly diaper dat
says,"Thuper Thithy" on it.
I guess in my case, no twuer words have ever been witten. Da funny ting is, I never weally thought of
mythelf as dat big of a thithy before.
Until wecently, I wuz just your typical avewage man who thpent
most of hiz fwee time watching thports, dwinking beer, and going out . Now don't get me wong, I thtill wore diapers thumtimes, but it wasn't
verwy often and I almost never ever pooped in dem.
At weast dat wuz until I met my Montweal Mistwesses. Since den, Mistwess Div and Mistwess Sugah
have made it dere personal mission to twy and turn me into da biggest pamper
pooping pansy dey can. So inthtead of me
maybe wearwing diapers once or twice a month, I'm now thtuck in dem 4 or 5
times a week.
Mistwess Sugah doesn't even twy to contain dere waughter and
amusement when it comes to my new thithy baby thtatus. She just teathes me
merciwessly and asks me if da diaper wearwing wimp went wee wee or boom boom
As for Mistwess Divinity, she says making me go thtinky diapers
is quickly becoming one of her favowit and most entewtaining hobby's she haz. She says dere's just thumting weally fun and
exthiting about having da power to dethide when and where a thithy haz to shit
his pants! WOW! (Waugh Out Woud)
And twust me, she does evewyting in her power to make dat expewience
as unpweasant and embawassing for me as pothible.
For example, wast week she made me thquat in da corner and poop
my pampers while weciting my thithy mantwa to her.
Dis is my
mantwa I must always confess,
I'm Divinity's
big baby....I'm her poopy pwincess.
I twy to be a
man but dere's weally no chance,
Weal men don't
wear diapers or shit in dere pants!
And if dat wasn't bad enough, tonight she thought it would be
hythterical to make me go poopy on da toilwet with my diapers thtill on.
She said," you're da one who keeps asking me if you can go
potty on da toilwet wike a big boy, well here's your chance! WOW!" .
I can't even begin to descwibe how incwedibly embawassing and
humilwiating it is for a gwown man to have to mess himthelf wike a baby! Dere just
isn't a more dithgusting feelwing den thqueezing out a big warm woad of cwap
dat has no pwace else to go but inthide of your diaper. Yuck! And
what even made it worse was having to do it while thitting on a perfectwy good
Of courth, Mistwess Divinity couldn't help but waugh at me and my
widiculous thituation . She said, "What's da matter Pwincess, don't you
feel wike a man now? You said you wanted to go poo poo on da toilwet, and you
did! Why are you cwying? I thought you'd be all happy and bwaggimg about how
stwong and macho you are now. I mean if I didn't know any better, I would tink
you weren't having a verwy good time! Well don't worwy pwincess, I'm having a gweat time! WOW!" And dat's how I thpent my Fwiday night!
Well, I guess dat's enough for now. Wike I said in da beginning, I may not be
able to descwibe what it's wike to be a thithy baby but I tink I expwained
enough for you to wealize...you never want to be one. At weast, not one owned by Mistwesses Divinity
and Sugah.
Pwincess Poopy Pampers